* On Wed Jan 17 2001, Scott A. McIntyre screamed:
-> > Hi, I've been wanting to ask, why would "Nelson D. Guerrero" turn to
-> > "Nelson D . Guerrero" on my mutt? I set it up in the .muttrc file to be
-> > "Nelson D. Guerrero" and every time I try to email someone it would just
-> > go back to "D ."
-> This one bothered the heck out of me for a while.  Try:
-> set realname="Nelson D. Guerrero"


I checked my config file and it appears to have that line on it.
But when I go about and test it, it just puts the email right the way I
don't want it.

Nelson D. Guerrero                | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Platinom.NET Dominicana           |  Phone: (809) 567-4600
Dialup / Web Hosting / E-Commerce |    WWW: http://www.platinom.net/

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