On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 06:57:07AM -0800, Mike E wrote:
> On a related note. How do you guys get new keys anyhow? I have
> encryption/decryption working, but is there a way to have gpg/mutt
> automatically fetch public keys from keyservers for you?

If you set a keyserver in the .gnupg/options file, gpg will
automatically download keys when mutt uses it to verify a signature.

relevant part of the config:
# GnuPG can import a key from a HKP keyerver if one is missing
# for sercain operations. Is you set this option to a keyserver
# you will be asked in such a case whether GnuPG should try to
# import the key from that server (server do syncronize with each
# others and DNS Round-Robin may give you a random server each time).
# Use "host -l pgp.net | grep www" to figure out a keyserver.
keyserver pgp.ai.mit.edu

Josh Huber                                     | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
1024D/6B21489A 61F0 6138 BE7B FEBF A223  E9D1 BFE1 2065 6B21 489A

PGP signature

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