Jim Toth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 09:13:18AM -0600, David Frascone
: > Can I change the name displayed in the index based on filters?  Kind of like
: > the lists command does?
: > 
: > What I'd *like* to do is have e-mail from my buddy's pager #####@skytel.com
: > to show up as "Buddy's Pager".  Since I have several friends with pagers,
: > this would make life much easier.
: > 
: > Right now, I'm seperating them by colors, but I'm running out of colors :(
: Not exactly what you're asking for, but I believe if you make an alias
: with #####@skytel.com as the address (or rather, whatever it really
: is), and the name as "Buddy's Pager", the name will be displayed as
: you want.
: At least, this is what I do for that sort of thing.

Keep in mind that in order for this to work, you need to have
reverse_alias set.

    a n d r e w              m i c h a e l        g r e e n b u r g 
    a m  g   @    b     e      w       l      e     y    .   n  e t 

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