On 2001-01-09, Bruno Postle wrote:
> Use tab-completion instead of folder browsing, it's quicker and you will
> hardly notice the difference between:
>   ~/Maildir/lists/mutt-users/
> and
>   ~/Maildir/.lists.mutt-users/
> Honestly :-)
> Use \..* as your mask so you match the somewhat odd courier naming
> convention.
> In fact I prefer this method of categorising mailboxes - my local
> maildirs are a bit like this anyway, with no sub-directories (and no
> leading dots either):
>   ~/Mail/list.mutt-newbie
>   ~/Mail/list.mutt-users
>   ~/Mail/sent
>   ~/Mail/work.boring
>   ~/Mail/work.interesting
>   etc..

Uh yes. Thats better. ;-)
Thank you. 

I don't want to be annoying, but could this (folder browsing trough maildirs with 
folder-extension like imap) be added in a coming version of mutt?
(Perhaps the hiercharchy could be better displayed in a threaded way like in index?) 


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