Hello Petri!

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, Petri Kelottij?rvi wrote:

> Sorry to butt in like this, but I'm having serious trouble getting
> Mutt to display the Swedish special vowels (åäöÅÄÖ, that is, a with
> ring/dot and o with dots). I've tried to add the followin to my
> ~/.muttrc: 
> set ascii_chars
> unset allow_8bit
> but it dowsn't work that way, I guess... Anyway, I'm using Mutt 1.2.5i
> as included in the Debian 2.2r1 distribuiton (Linux, yes), kernel
> 2.2.18pre21 and ncurses 5. Any idea on how to get this working?

On my box I can produce all the tokens you are asking for:
        å Å ø æ ç Ç é á à É 

It's a question of your 'locale' definition on Linux (Unix). 
What's showing you a command 'locale'?
Here it will show 


Maybe you have to set an 
        export LC_CTYPE="sv_SE"

in your $HOME/.bashrc and you will also get the keys you want 
after running a console command 'source .bashrc'.

bye - Wilhelm

   .~.      ___     _  _____   ___ ___  __  __   
   /V\      | |    (_) | __ \  | | | |  \ \/ /   Wilhelm Wienemann
  // \\     | |__  | | | | | | | |_| |  |    |   Amselweg 10
 /(   )\    |____| |_| |_| |_|  \____|  /_/\_\   D-47546 Kalkar/Germany
  ^`~'^     powered by Linux - solutions  for smart penguins

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