On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 11:37:10PM -0500 or thereabouts, John P. Verel wrote:
> > Well, this is just a guess, but your Eudora setup is probably to send mail
> > through some remote SMTP server @home.com, whereas your mutt setup has to
> > use a local sendmail which is causing your envelope from header to be
> > something relative to that local host.  Ezmlm (qmail's mailing list
> > package) uses the envelope headers to determine if you're subscribed or
> > not.  If this is what's going on, and you're using a recent Mutt, check out
> > the $envelope_from mutt variable.
> > 
> Jeremy and List:
> Setting envelope_from fixed the problem.  Thanks :)

As a sidenote, I switched from sendmail to postfix, and since then, I don't
even need the set env in Mutt.. postfix knows how to address the envelope.
I too was having problems with some of the servers/lists, until postfix. 

Best regards,

Today's thought: Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.

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