Umesh Krishnaswamy proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> How do I grab mail from a mail server using MUTT?
see if your mutt is compiled using pop or imap and use that. or just use fetchmail
> When I use POP, the mail is brought to my local mailbox
> /var/mail/<username>. I would like it to be brought to my Inbox in the
> home directory.
Use procmail, set .forward files etc. This is not a mutt issue.
> The second thing is that with POP, the mail is not deleted from the
> server. Is there a configuration option to set deletion.
eh? use fetchmail <> - available in most
linux distributions, and set
poll your.pop.server with proto pop3
user your-username with password your-password
Suresh Ramasubramanian + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
mallet @ + Lumber Cartel of India, tinlcI
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin