On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 01:50:19PM -0500 or thereabouts, David T-G wrote:
> % was able to decrypt it without problems. I am using GnuPG with my Mutt
> % v1.2.5i.
> Yay!
Nothing better has been devised
> % read the attachment. According to him, they came up as *.ems attachment
> Yep.
Vely interesting...
> They lie. It's a documented bug (sorry, I can't specifically recall
> where, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's in the archives) that Eudora
> can't handle both signed and encrypted mail. If you want to encrypt to
> your pal, you will have to send the mail without signing it.
David, thanks for this info. I have put it in his face!
> Eudora, which sucks a bit less than most PC mail programs, still sucks.
hee, hee ...
> % Today's thought: Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.
> I love this, though :-)
Story of my life <g>
Best regards,
Today's thought: Before you criticize someone walk a mile in his shoes.
That way if he gets angry he'll be a mile away -- and barefoot.
PGP signature