On 2000.12.20, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Lance Simmons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't understand this suggestion. I don't see the word "script" used
> in the Mutt manual in a way that seems relevant, or in the xterm
> documentation. Could you elaborate?

The "script" program initiates a new shell which logs all character
terminal events (i.e., characters) to a file.  If you enter
        shell prompt% script

You should get a new shell prompt with a different history number.  Run
mutt in there.
        tcsh% mutt

Then exit mutt after damage is done, and exit the secondary shell.
"Script" will tell you the session was logged to a file called

You can replay this session using cat, more, less, etc.

Thomas is saying that application errors of the variety you describe
should reveal themselves in the typescript, as well as while initially
running the application.  Environmental (X, terminal emulator program,
etc.) errors will not, because the typescript file is a log only of the
shell and the mutt session.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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