> % I can read files of my old saved mail just fine, but I can't edit
> % them. Mutt reports that the folders are read-only. I have AFS tokens
> % and I'm able to read and write those files at the command-line. I'm
> % not sure why Mutt doesn't think it can also.
> mutt doesn't do any locking, but hands that off to mutt_dotlock. Try
> mutt_dotlock -t /afs/some/mail/file
I tried that and that worked fine:
> mutt_dotlock -t /afs/cs/user/dpetrou/huy
The file /afs/cs/user/dpetrou/huy is a mail folder I put on AFS.
mutt_dotlock returned nothing.
any ideas?
> % Another problem: I tried to save an e-mail message to a folder in AFS
> % and mutt complained that it was unable to lock the folder file.
> Yep; that sounds like the same thing.
> % So has anyone out there had better luck running over AFS?
> HTH & HH
I take it these are famous mutt people. What are their names / e-mail
> :-D
> --
> David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
P.S.: I'm not subscribed to the mutt list, so people respond to me as
well as to the list. David T-G's mail is the only one I received --
I'm unsure if anyone else responded but forgot to cc: me.