On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 08:05:25PM -0600, Gottipati Aravind wrote:

>       So, I guess my question would be how do I get mutt to not
> generate its default (Content-Type) header.. or make mutt recognize my
> header and respect it?

>From the Compose Menu, you can edit the Content-Type by typing CTRL-T.
If your Content-Type header is always the same, you could write a macro
to change the Content-Type header before sending the message.  E.g.,
something like this:

    macro compose Y ^T^Umycontenttype\n<send-message>

which also sends the message.

Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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