On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 07:29:19PM +0100, Morten Liebach wrote:
> > Unable to treat as directory "/PC-Special-Team"
> > procmail: Error while writing to "/PC-Special-Team"
> Is "PC-Special-Team" a maildir or is it mbox?
> If mbox you'll have to convert it to maildir, there's some scripts to do
> that, try mbox2maildir on freshmeat.
> Remember the trailing '/' in your $HOME/.procmailrc. :-)

Its a Maildir. Now it works fine! Thx everyone for help!


Marco Ahrendt              phone : +49-341-98-474-0
adconsys AG                fax   : +49-341-98-474-59    
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