On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 03:34:23PM +0000 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
Bjornar Ness thought:
> Hello fellow mutt users.
> I want to colorize my index a bit more. How do I do this?
> Tried with some ansi sequences.. did not work, why? I think
> it would be great to be able to do this.
Depends on the sort of colourising you mean. I use the "color" command to
set up my index. The following set colours:
* Unread mails addressed _directly_ to me Bright Yellow
* Unread mails from lists Bright Red
* Read mails from lists magenta
* Mails I've replied to Bright Blue
* All other mails are Yellow
* The highlight bar is bright Yellow on Blue
color index yellow default "~A"
color index magenta default "~l"
color index brightyellow default "~N"
color index brightred default "~N~l"
color index brightblue default "~Q"
color indicator brightyellow blue
Is that what you mean?
> And one more thing.. mutt really needs a simple, yet powerful
> to/from/cc/?? procmailrc frontend. Nice for all of us I think.
> Could work allmost like the a(lias) command.
That would be pretty all right...
Domestic Sysadmin :-)
10:09pm up 14 days, 6 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00