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On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 06:03:43PM -0500, Daniel Freedman wrote:
>Apologies upfront if this is well-known, but I searched mutt.org's FAQ
>and manual, google's linux area , deja, etc. and came up completely

At least you tried, I guess, which is better than some people do.

>I'd very much like to be able to set a message's status to 'deleted',
>but: without synchronizing my mailbox/folder so as to actually expunge
>the message, I'd like to be able to either quit mutt or just change
>folders, and have these messages' status be kept.  I'm sure that
>others have similarly wanted to use some method like this especially
>when tracking a high-volume mailing list, where I wouldn't want to
>prematurely expunge messages I've deleted, or else future replies on
>the list wouldn't obviously be threaded under the ones I've read.  I
>could imagine using the OLD versus NEW flags to accomplish something
>similar, but I'd prefer to be unanbiguous in my mind and use the
>DELETE flag instead.

You can always 'x' (with the default keybindings) in the index if
you'd like.  That won't write anything though.  The best I can tell
you is, Use the source, Luke!

>PS.  Please cc me on replies as I don't subscribe.  Thanks so much.

I've seen that a lot lately, and I'm pretty sure is discouraged.

- -- 
Oooooo-oooo-oooo-ooooo, Oooooo-oooo-oooo-ooooo, Ooooo-weem-oh-wum-ooo-ayyy
In the jungle, the silicon jungle, the process sleeps tonight.
Joe Philipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.philippsfamily.org/Joe/
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