On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 06:21:34PM -0500,
Michael MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is thought to have said:

> Can anyone point me in a good direction for solving this problem?  I'm
> frustrated because I can't seem to figure out if the problem is with
> configuration or if it's implementation problems of the client and/or 
> server.
> I'm using mutt 1.2.5i (debian potato package recompiled with ssl
> support) against courier-imap 0.31.
> TIA for any advice.

I've found that using the mutt development version 1.3.12i works much
better for IMAP support. Besides fixing the problem with notifications it
deals with other things better as well (like expunging messages from an
IMAP folder not requiring a re-download of all of the headers in the

However while it is still beta software and has core dumped on me a few
times, I think the IMAP support in 1.3.12i is much more solid than in



Tabor J. Wells                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                                 
Art Technology Group                                  http://www.atg.com

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