Couple of things for you:
Quoting Bryan Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> It has been advised that I set my .muttrc to wrap lines after 72
> characters. I have looked into how to do this and have some questions
> for the list. I looked around on the web for how to do this and found
> the following:
> set editor ="vi -c 'set tw=72'"
this may have been seen a 'vi' but tw=textwidth is a Vim thing. If you
are unfamiliar with what Vim is, you should check out
> But this didn't work. vi told me that it didn't understand tw. So I
> continued my search and found something that does work:
> set editor ="vi -c 'set wl=72'"
> vi understands the wl. However, when I begin to compose a message in
> mutt, the addition of this "wrap command" has the effect of positioning
> my cursor at the bottom of my signature, and not at the top of the
> screen. Is there something I can tell Mutt to make my cursor begin at
> the very top of the message that I am composing?
set editor="vim -c ':0;/^To: '"
The above goes a little beyond what you were asking for, but you might
like it ;):
it does a ':0' go to top of file, and then '/^To: ', search for first
line that has To: in it at the very beginning. Whether or not you use
the Mutt option to have the to/cc/etc lines in the editor, that last
part may not be of any use to you.
Douglas L. Potts Spectral Systems, Inc. Url:
"They call it paradise, I don't know why. Call someplace paradise, kiss it
goodbye." - Eagles, Hell Freezes Over, 'The Last Resort'