On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 06:59:09PM +0100, Thorsten Haude muttered:
> Hi,
> this is certainly ot, but you made a really wrong assumption (I hope) about
> Germany and I don't want to let that stand.

Nor I; thank you for the correction.

> >I don't know the terms of the German grant to the FSF for funding GPG;
> >perhaps the test is on their web site (but, alas, I am not literate in
> >German).
> The site's native language is english:
> http://www.gnupg.de/presse.en.html

Right, and I read what I could find on the grant in English.

> >I'm not sure, but I suspect that -- in spite of their Orwellian ban on
> >teaching the history of Germany in the 1930s and 1940s and other evidence
> You are either totally misinformed or denying that anything bad happened
> in these years.  Which one?
> During my time in various schools, I had to take three classes about nazism
> in Germany. This is typical.

Then totally misinformed. It was my understanding that very little was
taught on that period in German govermnent schools.

> >On the other tentacle, perhaps the German government funded the
> >development of GPG because they were worried about the American government
> >reading their email? But didn't want to say so publicly?
> That and they possibly even like GnuPG's motto:
> Das Briefgeheimnis sowie das Post- und
> Fernmeldegeheimnis sind unverletzlich.
> Grundgesetz, Artikel 10, Abs 1.
> Secrecy of letters as well as sanctity of
> mail, telephone and telegraph are inviolable.
> Basic Law, Article 10, Paragraph 1

Cool! Is that a quote from the Constitution? Or is "Basic Law" a different
set of laws? If the former, it is much stronger than the American equivalent!

As you say, this is decidedly OT. Having made an assertion on the list, I
thought it appropriate to retract and apologize on the list. If you would
care to respond to those questions privately, I would appreciate it.

> Thorsten


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