On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 11:12:48AM -0500, Josh Huber wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 07:37:47AM -0800, David Alban wrote:
> > Of course, this would be O.K.  I prefer the [[ ]] operator (found in
> > ksh and bash 2.x) because it is smarter and more resistant to syntax
> > errors that occur with [  ] if a variable is undefined.  But
> > certainly one can use [  ] and then double quote the variables
> > within, as you have done.
> AFAIK, it also doesn't fork a process as well, using [[ ]] the tests
> are done internally to bash/ksh, and are thus much faster.

I dare you to name a relatively-modern version of csh, tcsh, bash, ksh
or zsh, which does not have test/[ as a builtin ;)

And to answer an unquoted question in David Alban's mail, FreeBSD
does not come with bash in the base system, it does have both bash1
and bash2 in its Ports Collection, and as packages on the officially
distributed FreeBSD CD's.


What would this sentence be like if it weren't self-referential?

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