On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Akkana wrote:

> Gary writes:
> > Does anyone have a good mailcap addition for viewing gif or png pics?  I
> > would appreciate it.  
> I use:
> image/gif; xv %s
> image/png; xv %s
> Unfortunately, this makes mutt wait for xv to exit, so I can't compare
> several images, or keep an image up while I read other mail.  I've tried
> various combinations of adding & to the string, but haven't found one
> that makes mutt keep the tmp file around long enough for xv to see it.
> (I thought "xv - -name image.png &" would work, but it doesn't -- it
> apparently still depends on a temp file.)
> I've had the same "not waiting around long enough" problem with sending
> html messages to Netscape for viewing (as an alternate when they're too
> complicated to read with lynx).  Has anyone found a trick to make mutt
> keep the tmp file around a little longer?  It's not covered in the
> mailcap section of the mutt manual.

you can probably do what you want by making a simple shell script which
copies the file given to a temporary file, runs xv and then removes
it on exit:

        cp %1 $$
        xv $$
        rm -f $$

(basically - where you put the temp files, etc., is a matter for much
discussion ;-)


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