On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 10:22:54AM -0800, Michael Elkins wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 10:32:50AM -0600, Jeff Howie wrote:
> >    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> > ... while talking to mail.federated.ca:
> > <<< 553 Mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> not allowed; ** Address 
>devaxp.federated.ca is invalid! **
> > 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED] User unknown
> > 
> > My question is, is this a problem that I can solve within mutt, or is
> > this a more appropriate question for the sendmail list?
> This looks like your mail server is saying that address is invalid.  Mutt or
> the local sendmail can't do anything about that.  You probably need to set
> your mail server up to accept mail with that hostname.

mmm, I don't any control over the server settings. I'll have to talk
to my tech support guys about that.

The only real problem I encounter is when I (r)eply to someone else's
email, which then grab's their 'reply-to' header. Is there anyway that
mutt can filter that (ie take out the 'mail.'), or am I just stuck
with remembering to take it out each time? (because that since I'm the
lone bastion of linux in a w2k world, I doubt if the techs are
inclined to worry with little 'ol me)

Thanks Michael.

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