On Monday, December 11, 2000 (CS:1.50.346) 10:42:29 [AM] (+0100)
Frank Derichsweiler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote...

> On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 09:40:53AM +0100, Johannes Zellner wrote:
> > from time to time I get messages with
> > 
> >     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> > 
> > which contain German Umlauts as something like `=E4'.
> > Mutt displays them as `?'.  -- Is it possible to make mutt
> > displaying these messages correctly ?
> Yes, ask the sender to use a propper email tool ;-)

Thats the right way!

> Edit the charset in the header to iso-8859-1 and try again.
> Mutt believes that the header info is correct.

Thats right. You cant do anything against wrong labeled messages - at least in
mutt. If the charset is set to us-ascii: mutt uses us-ascii!

You could use a procmail recipe to search for umlauts and change the content
type accordingly

> > I've by default:
> > 
> > set charset="iso-8859-1"
> AFAIK this is for emails, you *send*

Not really...charset defines the DEFAULT charset to display messages in your
For outgoing messages use send_charset! But if send_charset is not defined,
mutt DEFAULTS to charset anyway...:]
In that case you are correct.

HTH mh
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   In The Beginning Was The Word - And The Word Was Content-Type: Text/Plain
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