On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 04:24:01AM -0500, Thomas Dickey muttered:
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 09:53:20AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > Charles Curley proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> >
> > > Another curious item related to xmutt. The <F1> key to launch help does
> > > not appear to work under xmutt. It does work if I launch an rxvt, then run
> > > mutt in it.
> >
> > works here, funnily enough (xmutt from the standard mutt.linuxatwork.at srpm,
> > compiled on a slak 7.1 box running icewm, xfree86 3.3.6)
> it's all a matter of properly-chosen $TERM (XFree86 xterm may send either
> vt100-style, or bogus-vt220-style codes for F1-F4 depending on your resource
> settings).
Bingo. xmutt sets a $TERM of rxvt, where if you launch them from the
keyboard you get $TERM of xterm. So I just removed the "-tn rxvt" from the
command line for rxvt.
This has the further salutory effect that when I launch a program (e.g. my
editor) from mutt, the screen remains in place, with the "Waiting for
Emacs..." message in the bottom line of the display. The previous behavior
was to clear the screen, which I thought a bit of overkill.
-- C^2
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