On 2000-12-05 23:07:42 +0100, Jesper Holmberg wrote:

> This thread reminds me: where can I find the Mutt Assistant? I
> can't find the setting right now, but I'm sure there's a way to
> turn it on. It's supposed to be like an animated paper clip,
> giving me good advice while I'm composing an e-mail. I'm sure
> I've seen it somewhere. It's very useful. Can you help me?

No, we can't help you with that.  

Because, of course, the mutt assistant is not a paper clip, but
actually quite alive, likes sausages, old apples, cheese, and
anyting sweet, and occasionally barks or howls.  Bad enough, the
actual mutt assistant is neither available for sale, nor distributed
under the GPL.  It's a piece of highly proprietary wetware.

And, just in case you are wondering what the hell I'm talking about,
it's a rather cute black American Cocker. :-)

Have a nice week-end,
Thomas Roessler                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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