On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 13:57:44 -0600, Petr Hlustik wrote:
> Hi,
> A trivial problem using 1.2i: after I delete an attachment, sometimes the
> index keeps showing huge message size, possibly because the Lines: field in
> the header has not been modified. If I try showing headers and
> edit-message, this field is off limits. Any ideas how to fix this?

Deletion of attachments marked for deletion will first take place
when you close or sync (by typing $ with default key bindings) the
current mailbox. But then the line count should automatically be
updated; it is a bug if it is not.

In that case I would like to see one of the messages with wrong
line count (it would be perfect if you can also provide a copy of
the message taken before the attachment deletion). I also would
like to know what kind of mailbox format (mbox, MH, Maildir or
other) you use.


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