Look at your "set editor" variable in .muttrc file.
Once I had it set to vi, when I didn't have that installed, but I had
vim installed, and received the same error.
On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 02:41:59PM +0100, Gian Piero Ascenso muttered:
| Hi,
| I get the above error message when I try to send a message
| with mutt 1.2.5i from a RH 7.0 Linux box on intel x686. I'm able to
| fetch mail from my ISP, though, What's wrong? What should I check?
| PS - I'm writing this message from Netscape.
| Regards,
| Gian Piero
/Jason G Helfman
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."
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