hi list,
I searched the archive for any clues for this issue:
adding a headerfield for the importance of a mail. is there any patch
out yet? I found the ! flag in mutt but why does this flag isnīt set
automatic if the mail contains "Priority: Urgent" or "Importance: High"?
in another mail Iīd found:
> > A hint from the originator to the Importance: RFC 1327 and
> > recipients about how important a RFC 1911,
> > message is. Values: High, normal experimental
> > or low. Not used to control
> > transmission speed.
seems like this field is valid. how about hacking a new feature in mutt?
greets Marco
Marco Ahrendt phone : +49-341-98-474-0
adconsys AG fax : +49-341-98-474-59
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 19 email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
04107 Leipzig/Germany gnupg key at www.aktex.net/marco.asc