On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 07:49:29PM +0000, Nollaig MacKenzie wrote:
> After a while, I went to this suggestion,
> which came to this list a few months ago:
> set record="+Record/s-`date +%Y-%m`"  # default location to save outgoing mail
> (makes a new folder each month)

Cool.  I like to compress my archived sent mail, though.  I just have:

        set record="=sent/current"

in my .muttrc and this crontab entry:

        1 0 1 * * -D mv /home/luke/Mail/sent/current \
        /home/luke/Mail/sent/`date -I`; bzip2 \
        /home/luke/Mail/sent/`date -I`

This setup keeps this month's sent mail in a ~/Mail/sent/current and
leaves compressed archives that look like 2000-09-01.bz2 in the same
directory.  (Yes, I realize I don't need the day to be in the date if
I do this monthly, but if I ever decide to have it happen more often,
it's one less thing for me to change.  Trust me, I'd forget ;-)


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