On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 12:45:09PM -0600, Jeff Howie
> I have the author's name specified in my index_format as '%F', which
> according to the mutt help is 'author name, or recipient name if the
> message is from you'. But the index still shows my name ('Jeff Howie')
> for emails that I've bcc'd back to myself.
> My email address is no longer the same as my userid on my linux pc,
> but it used to be, and I remember this working properly then. So I
> tried setting the realname variable to different strings, to no affect
> so far. Am I on the right track?

I believe "alternates" is the variable you're looking for.  "from"
would also be useful.

Jim Toth
"Since the advent of the ILOVEYOU worm, I will never again trust
e-mail sent in a Manila envelope." -- John Coughlin

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