On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 04:36:37PM +0800, Anthony Liu wrote:
> OK here is my take:
> There are two xterms you can choose to display Japanese character set.
> However I have only tried the more popular shift-jis encoding, which the
> other one is deprecated, I think.
> One is Kanjiterm, Kterm in short. However, it is a bit hard to find.
> The other one is Aterm, which is called the Afterstep Term. You have
> to compile Aterm with somthing like "--enable-kanji" with configure.
> Once you have it compiled. Start Aterm, fire up lynx and load the page
> "http://www.yahoo.co.jp/". Notice: lynx support for Japanese and Chinese
> encoding is a bit broken.
> Enlightened Term (Eterm) said to support Kanji (which is a bad
> description), I have yet to get it to work, you might need to set the
> locale variables.
> However, if you use emacs, you should try out MULE, which is a
> multi-lingual edition for emacs. If you want X apps to display
> Japanese, there are more you have to do then just the xterm.
This isn't my problem. I'm using rxvt built with kanji support -- the
problem is that mutt only displays the characters properly if I set
the LANG environment variable. kanji support is working great in the
term, I just need to convince mutt to display it properly. Perhaps
I'll try rebuilding xterm with unicode support :)
Josh Huber | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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