On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 10:26:55AM -0800, Neelakanth wrote:
> Sometime ago, Jeff Howie said:
> > Hi all. I've noticed that while browsing through my directory that
> > contains Usenet & mail-list postings (created vi procmail to mbox
> > format), that when I'm finished reading one box and hit 'c' to change
> > to the next unread one, mutt offers a default box. This box is alway
> > one of the other boxes in the directory that contains new messages.
> > Once I've browsed through all of the boxes, then hitting 'c' doesn't
> > offer a default choice anymore, indicating that I've finished reading
> > all the new messages.
> > 
> > This is obviously a feature of mutt, and I think it's _GREAT_, but
> > what exactly is the logic of what's going on here. There's no detail
> > in the docs regarding this behavior that I can find.
> Have you tried pressing 'c' and hitting 'tab' once/twice?
> -neelakanth

Now _that's_ cool. Mutt just keeps getting beter & better (or rather
it was _always_ better, wasn't it, it's just that I didn't know just
_how much_ better it was :&>, right?).


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