I've been looking for this in the manual and haven't found anything
appropriate so here goes....
I have certain lists that I'm subscribed to (via listserv) that has
the Reply-To: set automatically back to the list and not the sender.
When I hit 's' to save a message from these lists mutt tries to save
the message to a folder based on the list name instead of the sender
(ie, From address). For my other lists that have the Reply-To: set to
the sender then save works as expected (or as I want it to) and the
default save folder name is the left-hand side of the email address.
(Like if you hit save on this message you'll be prompted for =greg unless
you've changed it to perform otherwise).
Actually, the whole Reply-To: point may be a red herring but it's the
only difference I see right off between the lists. Any ideas on how to
get those messages to save like (what I view as) normal? I didn't see
a way to do it with save-hook but it could be that I just don't know how.