On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 02:08:43PM +0100, Erwin Kaiser wrote:
> In the manual I read about sending mail via mixmaster but I cannot activate
> this feature. How does it work?
> TIA Erwin
Did you compile with mixmaster enabled? Look at "mutt -v" to see whether
you did. If not look at "./configure --help" and recompile.
Which mixmaster do you have? If 2.9 see my patch notice of about 16
hours ago. mutt currently only works with 2.0.4 as the very latest
manual states.
Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chemistry, School of BECS, SITE, NT University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.
Phone 08-89466702. Fax 08-89466847. http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/
Get PGP2 Key:- http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/chemistry/duke.key.html