* Thomas Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [06/11/00, 00:37:50]:
> Hi, I'm using Mutt 1.2.5i with IMAP. I am also using WMMail (a mail-checker
> for WindowMaker) to access the same IMAP mailbox. If I am viewing a message,
> then WMMail checks for new mail, then I press space bar to get to the next
> page of the message, Mutt crashes with the following error:
> imap_check_mailbox() [* BYE Lost mailbox lock].Segmentation fault (core
> dumped)
I don't have this one with 1.3.6i.
> A similar bug affects the index. The same error message shows up but the
> program does not segfault. Instead it simply loses the index (the index
> becomes empty until you reload the mailbox or restart).
This one I have... nothing serious, IMHO :)
I'll check 1.3.11i now
Kai Blin Webmaster of http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/thm/molgen/
Univ. of Tuebingen Inst. of Human Genetics fon +49-7071-2974890
Wilhelmstrasse 27 Dept. of Molecular Genetics fax +49-7071-295233
D-72074 Tuebingen Do molecular biologists wear designer genes?