On 2000.11.04, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Eric Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> This "works"
> zip - *txt|mutt -s'send a zip file of all txt docs' eric -a -

Odd; it doesn't work for me.  The syntax you give fails to send to the
users "-a" or "-".  Putting "eric" after all options (as I would expect
to be necessary) fails to attach "-".

> on 'V' in mutt received mail gives:
> ->   I     1 <no description>             [text/plain, quoted,
> iso-8859-1, 96K]
>      A     2 -                                 [text/plain, 7bit,
> us-ascii, 0K]
> With the top one being a legal zip file - only problem is that you
> have to name the file when saving it, cause it is nameless.  Also the
> encoding says test/plain but when you save the attachemnt, you get a
> legal zip file.
> Is there a way to force a file name? this will also help mutt to state
> the encoding correctly.

I expect that you can use "-e push 'keystrokes'" to push the keystrokes
or symbols for changing the attachment's name and file type, but I
can't test that hypothesis -- see above.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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