Hi Mikko Hänninen !
On Sun 05 Nov 2000 (20:35), you muttered on the list:
> Nils Vogels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 05 Nov 2000:
> > Another question: is there some way I can see what the current send-hook is
> > set to, like I can request the current value of a variable , using set
> > ?variable ?
> No there isn't, as far as I know. Something like this would be useful
> though. A way to list all the various hooks. Usually it's possible to
> find out whether something is in effect or not through trial and error,
> but it sure would make things easier in some cases if you could just see
> the list.
Especially if you have multiple profiles and load them after eachother, it
could get quite messy, yes ;)
> On the other hand, I'm not sure how a function like this would be
> implemented... It would definitely need to be a list of some kind in
> a pager (much like the help screen), because there can be so many hooks
> defined at the same time. Even if you restrict to just one type of
> hooks, there can be lots of them.
Maybe it could be done in the way that for instance the query works, or the
PGP key selection ?
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