Hello mutt-users!

On Sun, 05 Nov 2000, Wilhelm Wienemann wrote:

> Hello Subba!
> On Sat, 04 Nov 2000, Subba Rao wrote:
> > Most of the spam mail that is in HTML format. When such mail comes in
> > I would like to highlight such mail or have some type of marker on the
> > message, so that I can develop an effective procmail receipe.
> >
> > I was testing my NT system and the Outlook express made a local copy
> > of the email. There is lot of spam (adult type) in html format.
> >
> > Is there anyway mutt can identify content format of the email?
> On Linux/Unix the following rule in .procmailrc will do this job:
> -------------------> cut here <-----------------------------------
> ## Recipe by Eli the Bearded <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [970821]
> ## "This has the benefit of killing only stuff with a lot of markup, so
> ##  clean HTML can slip through as well as small samples of HTML code."
> ## Note: Usenet-II forbids MIME attachments and HTML!
> ## Allow up to 20 (selected) HTML tags in the body
> HTMLMax = 20
> :0 B
> * $ -$HTMLMax^0
> * * 1^1 ()</?(html|ul|ol|dl|dd|dt|li|br|p|pre|font|h[123456]|table|tr|td)>

Oops, delete this token (star).

bye - Wilhelm

Wilhelm Wienemann     __
                     / /    __  _  _  _  _ __  __
 (°>   (o-          / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /           -°)  -°)
 //\  //\          /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\           /\\   /\\
 V_/_ v_/_   # Enjoy Linux and the Power of Open Source #  _\_V  _\_V

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