I was hoping someone on the list would have a suggestion. Am I the only
one with this problem? Any hints would be appreciated...


On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 11:35:20AM -0500, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> I just upgraded to Mutt 1.2.5 and I'm having some display problems... When
> Mutt calls PGP to verify a message's signature, it screws up the display.
> I've used the settings documented in the contrib directory for pgp 6, and
> it's working fine except for the display problem. I have to do a ^L after
> every message checked by PGP.
> There *is* an error which flashes by pretty quick. Something about "sh:
> pgpspcycwrap not found" or something... Don't know if that's pertinent to
> the display problem...
> Anyone know if there's a fix for this?

Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Personal Homepage <http://www.jsmoriss.dyndns.org/> 
UNIX, Internet, Homebrewing, Cigars, PCS, CP2020 and other Fun Stuff...
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night you can hear Windows NT reboot!

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