On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 08:49:47PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Charles Krug proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> > score ~A 1000
> > score '~f terra.com.br -9999' # spambot
> > Followed by:
> > score_threshold_delete=0
> > However, I still get messages from terra.com.br. Am I misunderstanding how
> Block terra.com.br either at your mailserver or using procmail
Unfortunatly, not an option. Our email system was recently "improved" by
moving it from a Linux box to an NT box. I'm just happy that it hasn't been
further improved by moving it to Win2000.
In any event, I'm not in a position to make changes upstream of my own
Charles Krug, Jr.
Applications Engineer
Pentek Corp
1 Park Way
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458