
According to Mutt's manual, I've put this line in my .mailcap file to read
HTML-attachments without running X :

text/html; lynx -force_html -dump %s | less

It works generally fine, but sometimes HTML-files aren't recognized by Mutt.
I didn't find (or understand...) in the mailcap manpage how are matched the
files and the correspondant entries in the 1rst fields of mailcap's lines.
Is it by using the "file" command ?

By exemple, I've got a HTML-attachment seen as applica/octet-stream : 

1 <no description>                               [text/plain, quoted, 1,6K]
2 petition.eurolinux.org.html (Internet-Do[applica/octet-stre, quoted, 23K]
...and the file is displayed as raw text, with all the tags.

Here is the beginning of this file :

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" 
                                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
                                <meta  name="description" content="Freepatents">
        <meta  name="keywords" content="patents, patent, logiciel libre, free 
software, patents, brevets">

bgcolor="#000080" text="#000000" link="#8888ff" alink="#00FF55" vlink="#68AA68">
[... and so]

If I save it and use the "file" command, nothing wrong :

[gv@spirou gv]$ file petition.eurolinux.org.html
petition.eurolinux.org.html: HTML document text

and if I use lynx as a stand-alone command, it is also readable.

So, can someone tell me why such files aren't seen as HTML within Mutt ?

Many thanks,


 "          ^^      Gauthier Vandemoortele             "
 |   (_____/°°-ç    [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
 |   |     \_`-"                                       |
 |   )/@mmm||       Chée de Wavre, 135c                |
 |   \nn   \nn      B-1360 Perwez                      |
 |                  Belgique                           |
 " FOE-Belgium : http://www.ful.ac.be/hotes/amisterre  "

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