On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 10:32:07PM -0600, Gary wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have just switched distros to SuSE and moved over my muttrc, and
> many others. Now, when I hit ^B to get a urlview (which I have
> macro-ed in my muttrc), I get a urlview command not found. Is this a
> separate program, or part of Mutt? It has worked previously under my
> Mandrake distro without a problem. I am using the latest Mutt.
> Any thoughts?
It is a separate program called 'urlview' and you also need a config
file called '.urlview' in your home directory. Also try ? before hitting
^B to check that ^B is bound the way you think it is. If you do not have
urlview I think you can get it from the mutt ftp site in the contrib
Cheers, Brian.
> TIA,
> --
> Best regards,
> Gary
> Today's thought: BREAKFAST.COM Halted - Cereal port not responding.
Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chemistry, School of BECS, SITE, NT University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.
Phone 08-89466702. Fax 08-89466847. http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/
Get PGP2 Key:- http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/chemistry/duke.key.html