 I have a (possibly) weird request for mutt. I am using version 1.2.5i
and my problem is printing several tagged mails. I use this 

set   print_command="a2ps  -b"" -R -q --pretty-print=mail  -1 "

and what happens is that all the mail are printed properly, each one in
his page but while the "sender" is properly set, the "Subject" is not and
all appear as having the subject of the first mail. I found out that
this happens because of the way that mutt formats the mail messages
sending them to a2ps. As a2ps looks for a line starting with "Subject:" 
it finds only the first one as mutt send a ^L before the following ones,
that is the line is "^LSubject".

As changing the behavior of a2ps is probably too difficult and possibly
not even right could be possible to change slightly mutt and putting a "\n"
after that ^L? . Or at least can you tell me where the code to output
this is in the sources so I can change it in my version. I tried to
find it but it wasn't easy... 

      GianPiero Puccioni
*  Istituto Nazionale di Ottica                        GianPiero Puccioni  *
*  Largo E.Fermi 6                            E-Mail :         [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
*  I-50125  Firenze - ITALY     Tel +39 055 23081  -  Fax +39 055 2337755  *

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