Markus Fischer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

> Hello,
>       I've allready read the previous thread about forwarding
> mails with attachments and the final solution was
> resending mail with <esc> e
>       or
> set mime_forward=yes in .muttrc

we have a better solution now, with lastest stable version of mutt.
> What the first solution does is, simple resending the message,
> but not preformating it (header, body). You have to fill out the
> the new receipient on your own (no dialog which ask to whom to
> resend this mail); in resulting mail, body (possible modified)
> from the original mail is also body of the new mail, additional
> attachments got attached too.

it's possible

o.k how to do it.

(all keys are default key bindings)

so when you are in index on message which do you want to forward press 'v' and
you will see scructure of email, with attachments. Select things which do you
want to forward with 't'(tag them) and then press ';'(apply to tagged) and

                              Fear, baby fear!

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