Alright, sorry if this is an FAQ; but I did not seem to find anything
about this in either the manual or the mailing list archives.

I'm using mutt-1.2.5i.  save-hook works perfectly alright, when filtering
by the sender's address; however, I want to filter by something more than
that - either the mail's subject (for mailing lists which add a token to
the message subject), or by some string found in the message header
(for e.g. Majordomo-run lists which may be identified by owner-listname
in the header).

Is there a way to do something similar to save-hook, but use an expression
similar to the one used in tagging?  Something like "~h owner-freebsd-bugs"
or "~s BUGTRAQ"?

And yes, I know I can do this with procmail and mutt's multiple inboxes
support; is there an easier way though? :)

Thanks in advance for any pointers to the source, the manual, the mailing
list archives, or anything else which goes to show the futility of me
attempting mutt configuration before lunch :)


This sentence contradicts itself - or rather - well, no, actually it doesn't!

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