I have a number of contacts that are unable or unwilling to upgrade
to GPG or PGP > 2.6.*.  This means that they must use RSA and IDEA.  While
GPG now speaks RSA, and can be patched to support IDEA (though I have yet
to get this to work, as I haven't had the time to get all of the source
patched manually), a simpler solution would be for mutt to handle GPG and
PGP.  I have some thoughts...

     Since mutt simply calls the strings in the config file, there is no
reason why they could not be replaced with smart scripts.  Has anyone
done this?
     What I am looking for is a script replacement that will check both
key rings when verify signatures or decrypting files and return the
correct results.  It would be nice if the script would also process
inline signatures (though mutt would need to be patched for this).
     For encrypting, it would be nice if it could search both keyrings
for the key and encrypt it with the appropriate version.

     Since some of this can't be done with scripting (mutt doesn't call
the verify function if it does not see an detached sig, so an inline
attached sig is ignored, as is inline encryption.  Even though I have
revoked my PGP keys, I still get encrypted email from people using 2.6.*,
and mutt just ignores it...

"Restore your inalienable human rights.       Jack McKinney
 Vote Libertarian.  http://www.lp.org         http://www.lorentz.com
 http://www.harrybrowne2000.org               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                              1024D/D68F2C07 4096g/38AEF076

PGP signature

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