* On Tuesday, October 24, Byrial Jensen wrote:
> > Not:  macro generic  \eu  "<resend-message>f=sentmail<enter>"
> This should in theory work if you have remembered to remove the
> default key bindings for <esc>u in the various menus which
> otherwise will take precedence over the generic definition.

No, I don't have any such conflict.

> However, I think that there may be some problems (yet another
> bug?!) with generic macro definitions. Try instead:
> macro index  \eu  "<resend-message>f=sentmail<enter>"
> macro pager  \eu  "<resend-message>f=sentmail<enter>"
> macro attach \eu  "<resend-message>f=sentmail<enter>"

No, that didn't solve the problem, unfortunately. Thanks for your
suggestions, but I'm still out of luck.


                            "But how can one be warm alone?"

Jesper Holmberg                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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