I'm running mutt-1.2.5i that I installed as an RPM on RH 6.2.
I am trying to get it working with PGP 6.5.8.
I've sourced the pgp6.rc from the mutt-1.2.5/contrib directory.
I made a link from /usr/bin/pgp to /usr/bin/pgp6.
I'm able to decrypt mails sent to me after making the appropriate change
to my .procmailrc.
The first problem I have come across is when I try to encrypt a file to
After I say "y" to send there is a quick messaage
Looking for keys matching ""...
and them I am asked:
"EnterkeyID for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:"
who exists in my pubring.pkr.
I enter the keyID ( 0xfoo ) but it just keeps asking me for it?
Where do I go from here?
The only thing that I suspect may be wrong is the last line in the
pgp6.rc file
set pgp_getkeys_command="pkspxycwrap %r"
I've seen several posting concerning "pkspxycwrap" but nothing that makes
any sense to me.
Is is a typo?
Is there a space missing?
I tried making it "pkspxyc wrap %r" but it didn't seem to improve anything.
I've even installed pkspxy-0.5 but that didn't seem to make a difference?
I've read I think all there is to read concerning mutt and PGP but nothing
seems to be relevant to this problem.
Thanks in advance for any help.