On 2000-10-18 19:39:58 -0700, Mike E wrote:

> I've been trying to bind ^j to `!}fmt` in vi(m) for a while now with
> no sucess; anyone know how?

^j is the same thing as a newline.  To the best of my knowledge, vi
doesn't distinguish betwenn the two.  That is, you are about to bind
the return key on your keyboard to !}fmt...

Since you seem to be used to pico, I'd suggest you go for emacs or
one of its smaller non-lisp cousins such as jove, joe, or jed (the
one I'd recommend).  The use of these programs won't be entirely new
to you. However, you'll have to get used to the fact that ^j and ^c
won't have the pine meanings in any of these programs.

Thomas Roessler                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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