On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 11:13:26PM +0000, Jan- Hendrik Palic wrote:
> I generated a new key and I I wanted to send me a test mail with a sign.
> In the send- menu of mutt, I hit p to use the pgp- feature in mutt and s to
> sign.
> When I hit y to send the mail, pgp wants me enter the passphrase, and I
> enter and then I got this errormessage:
> Can't open PGP subprocess!: No such file or directory (errno = 2)
> The passphrasse is correct, so, what is going wrong?
> Any suggestions?
        Yes, there is one:
1) find your PGP config file.
2) find the line of tmp directory there
3) set it to something where you have a right write
4) make sure that that directory exists!!!!
        That's all I guess.
        Good luck.
Eugene Paskevich             |   *==(-----------   |       "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |   -----------)==*   |        -- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
Fingerprint:             03 BE 52 C8 41 8C 10 DC   2F 81 A2 21 28 5E D3 12
Two percent of zero is almost nothing.

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