Big Brother tells me that Mike Erickson wrote:
> things work fine, but if I use the subscribe keyword, the 'from'
> address in the index gets replaced with the name of the list, which
> prevents me from seeing who the message is from.

    Someone already posted that 'L' does a list-reply, but only if
you have a list or subscribe command for that list.
    To make the display show the real sender, you have to change your
format string for your display.  Here is mine:

set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"

"Restore your inalienable human rights.       Jack McKinney
 Vote Libertarian.               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                              1024D/D68F2C07 4096g/38AEF076

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