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    Is it possible to use environment variable values in the .muttrc
file somehow?  What I'd like to be able to do is put my KeyID for
my PGP key into an environment variable, and then have my .muttrc
reference this, telling mutt "to find his key id, look in the env
var $KEYID":

set pgp_sign_as=$KEYID

   My mail is sorted via .qmail files into folders, some of which are for
work, and some of which are personal.  I have a work key and a personal
key.  I am subscribed to dozens of email addresses under each ID/key,
meaning that it would take well over 100 folder-hook's to supply either
of two key-ids to each folder.  If I had had the foresight to name the
folders work-mbox, work-cisco-users, me-mbox, me-mutt, me-gnupg-users, etc,
then I could now use a regexp in a folder hook.  Unfortunately, this is
not feasible.
   I currently read my mail via a zsh script I wrote that checks for mail
in each of the folders, and sets my MAILHOST/MAILUSER (used by qmail)
environment variables accordingly.  I could easily add a couple of
lines to this script to also set the 'KEYID' environment variable.
   Alternately, is it possible to supply the keyid on the command line?

- --
"Restore your inalienable human rights.             Jack McKinney
 Vote Libertarian.  http://www.lp.org               http://www.lorentz.com
 http://www.harrybrowne2000.org                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                    1024D/D68F2C07 4096g/38AEF076
Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)


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